Design Lead, Product Design, DesignOps, UX Writing, QA

A platform where premium users have access to exclusive features and personalized solutions

JOTA PRO Intro screens


JOTA PRO is a premium suite of products, services and tools for medium/large companies and law firms. It offers predictive solutions that help its main personas (lawyers, tax managers, litigation managers) to make the right decisions that boost their business.

The problem

JOTA PRO's main delivering channels were through newsletters and alerts via messaging app. The main pain for our PRO clients was the large amount of content that arrived in their email inboxes daily, and the lack of alternatives to filter everything (subjects did not always aligned with the clients' interests). It was up to my team to create a solution in which customers could have a pleasant experience and customize what they want to consume and in what quantity. And this needed to be built quickly. Enter our newly implemented Design System.

Gathering feedback

We had collected a lot of feedback from various sources, including carried out periodic NPS and CSAT surveys and interviews between customers and our institutional relation analysts. We centralized all this feedbacks in a automated Slack channel. The most recurring complaint was that we sent too much content and it often did not align with the interests of PRO clients.

Declaring the hypothesis

With problem in hands and the solution in mind, we made the hypothesis statement:

We believe that

With an online and responsive platform focused on content centralization and customization

Will result in

More accesses, engagement and satisfaction of our customers

We will know we have succeded when

Increasing our lead and customer base while reducing the risk of cancellations

Initial studies

Phase 1: low fidelity sketches

In these low fidelity sketches, you can see a little of what we initially envisioned: a totally curated homepage, catered to the clients' interests and needs.

JOTA PRO sketch home JOTA PRO sketch menu JOTA PRO sketch header
JOTA PRO sketch home 2

Phase 2: high fidelity sketches

The next drafts included the implementation of JOTA PRO within the logged-in area of the JOTA news portal, where PRO users would have access to more content and options than common users of the site. For this first version, we chose to work with the Tributos (Taxes) coverage, which was beginning to establish itself as a flagship of JOTA's products.

Wireframe 1 Wireframe 2 Wireframe 3

JOTA PRO Tributos

After our initial studies, we then proceeded to design some screens. Here you can see the evolution of the layout compared to the wireframes, and the first glimpse of what our Design System would be. We started using the colors of the PRO products' own brand, to differentiate it from the orange of the main website.

Home do JOTA PRO Tributos Resultados da Busca - Tributos
Home da Newsletter - Tributos Newsletter Aberta - Tributos
Listagem da Newsletter Mobile - Tributos

New scope, new home

Our team, along with the stakeholders, were not satisfied with the current stage of the project. The decision was made that the best course of action would be to build something standalone, outside the JOTA news portal. We started working on the new platform as we were creating our Design System components on demand. Then was born.


Our first beta testers

We then started talking to some JOTA PRO Tributos clients we selected together with the Growth and Marketing teams. We created a group with these clients and called them ambassadors. They became our first beta testers, and we held periodic meetings to discuss future improvements and new features for the platform.

The result

Here is the current state of JOTA PRO's platform. It is still live as of today (2024) and it offers premium solutions for Tributos and Poder clients. Click on each of the prototypes links if you like to see them properly, with 100% zoom, on Figma. If you're on mobile or in a low connection, click on the links to be directed to the prototypes.

Homepage and Poder/Tributos journey

Homepage and Poder/Tributos jorney flow Desktop | Mobile

Search Results, 404 and Personalization

Search Results, 404 and Personalization flows Desktop | Mobile

Account configuration flow

Account configuration flow Desktop | Mobile

Login and reset password flow

Login and reset password flow Desktop | Mobile

What went wrong

Unfortunately, the expected result was not achieved. We did not reach a satisfying number of DAU and MAU, and engagement was also below the quarterly target. We knew JOTA PRO still lacked features and we needed to invest more in personalization and other features to make our product a must-have instead of a nice-to-have. Despite that, we still managed to gather 400 montlhy visitors approximately, and some super engaged users who visited and consumed the platform daily. So we immediately started thinking about new solutions.

The team

There where more people involved throughout the years, I'd like to thank everyone that helped put this project to life.

Tools: Figma, Storybook, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Maze, Optimal Workshop, Miro

Product cycle: 2021-2022

Designing the JOTA PRO platform was a great learning experience, in addition to serving as the foundation for building a complete and robust Design System. It would have worked if we had invested more in continuous improvements. But I still feel proud and satisfied to have participated in this endeavor. Here's to the next projects!

Thank you!